Wednesday, December 28

2011 Christmas

2011 Hochgraber family Christmas

Thanks to everyone for making it so special!

Audrey had to try out her new roller blades and why was 40 degrees that afternoon!

Baby's Update We are @ 34 Weeks, 4 to go!

Our goal is to make it to 1/25/12.

Baby A - 4lbs, 3 oz

Baby B - 4lbs, 4 oz

8 and 1/2 lbs together.....and I still have 4 weeks.

Can you believe Audrey was only 4lbs 15 oz!

Baby A cooperated, Baby B was facing the wrong direction.

Tuesday, December 13

New cookie recipe FUN night

Tonight Audrey and I tried a new Healthy Banana Cookie recipe.

It's a "healthy" cookie but it tastes more like a granola bar!

I love to cook, but I'm not a huge baker but I'm trying.

What you need...

3 ripe bananas, 2 cups of oatmeal, 1/2 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of crasins, 1/2 cup of chocolate chips, 2 oz of walnuts, 1/3 cup of applesauce, a 1 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract.

Peel & Smash Bananas

Mix in the rest of the ingredients.

Spoon onto cookie sheet and pat them down a little - they don't spread at all.. AND WAIT!!!

Because they are so nutritious and yummy, Audrey and I had they for a snack before bed!

Baby Update!

We are at 32 weeks! Goal is 36 weeks - January 11, 2012!

Baby A - 3lbs 10oz (25th percentile)

Baby B - 3lbs 6oz (15th percentile)

It's starting to get crazy with weekly doctor appointments, two ultrasounds a week, resting more and just preparing ourselves for their arrival!

Pictures are tough because they are crammed in there, but it's better than nothing!

Sunday, December 11

Getting into the Holiday Spirit!

This weekend, G & G Hoch came down for a weekend of Christmas activities.

Friday night we started off by going to the Holmes Theatre for a Christmas Concert. Audrey was on her first date with Thomas! I wish I could have taken a picture, Josh was holding Audrey's left hand and Thomas was holding Audrey's right hand. After the show they walked up the aisle holding hands - super cute!

Saturday we baked and baked and baked! We tried a new recipe - as you can see by the picture, the dough was a little sticky! Audrey loves to help me in the kitchen - even if it's helping cut up veggies for dinner.

Grandma and Audrey created a gingerbread house, it will probably be our center piece until Christmas! She loves looking at it while we eat.

Wednesday, November 30

Thanksgiving Weekend

Grandpa Dennis came up from Florida for a week of busy Thanksgiving & Christmas festivities - and we keep him busy. We started his first night with the Fargo Parade of Lights - no pictures but a great parade.

A,B, C LEGO's - thanks Grandpa - Audrey loves signing the alphabet and putting the LEGO's in order.

After hosting Thanksgiving this year at our house we took the next morning easy and decorated the house for Christmas.

Then to another parade of lights, but this time in Perham.

Then off to Lake Park, to the Parade of Christmas Trees. Everyone stood by the tree they liked the most and voted on.

Last but not least the DL Parade of Lights. Josh, Grandpa and Audrey walked with the MARCO float/copier handing candy out to the crowd.

Fast, fun packed week with Grandpa!

Sunday, November 6

Skating ....

.....who knew she could skate!

Audrey went to her 1st skating birthday party this weekend.

Happy Birthday Kennedy & Jackson!

When the girls opened Audrey's presents, she sat by them and was super excited!

Audrey was so excited about skating she asked Monessa if she could take the skates home for the weekend...and of course she had to carry them all the way to the car!

She skated Saturday night and Sunday...looks like we'll have to invest in our own pair.

Monday, October 31

TriCK or TrEAt WeeKENd

A little trick or treating............our little PINK kitty cat.

Audrey received skeleton straws from GG Audrey and just loves drinking out of them.

Fall Festival @ ECFE. Audrey played games, made a necklace, had her face painted, and played with a number of friends.

BABES UPDATE: BABY GEAR GALORE! A big thank you to a Susan & Jay and Tom & Debbie for helping us with our baby collection! 2 or 4 of everything is needed!

Even Audrey is just getting ready to help with the babes - she even has her own set of twins to get some practice!

Look at this mess!

2 car seats, 4 bases, 2 swings, 4 bouncy seats, 2 bumbos, 2 infant carriers - all with Audrey's animals or babies.

AND...we still need more!!!