Tuesday, May 8


Ms. Nora & Creighton John are starting thier jouney toward movement!
Both are rolling over, but only captured our little man today.


 Two peas in a pod..
Creighton's new favorite toy...when he kicks, it makes noise and MOVEMENT,
Audrey enjoying the little things in life... a driveway!

Wednesday, May 2

We blink and it's been TWO weeks!

Time truly flies these days..
Here are the last couple of weeks!
Audrey had the opportunity to show off her gymnastic skills at Gymfest.

Audrey & Dad went to the Bike Rodeo.  They checked out her bike to make sure it was safe and put together properly...Audrey's bike is a hand me down and not sure if the bike really passed....they were being nice :)

Trip to the farm one last time!

A great night to be outside, the twins relaxing in their walkers and Josh & Audrey playing a little T-ball and catch. 

Daddy do you have room for me to?

A present for the entire family....concrete driveway - should be complete by next week.
We are excited to see Audrey riding her bike and draw family pictures with chalk and soon the twins walking in the walkers.  
The next famly gift...landscaping :)